Financial Information

Statement of Financial Activities

  FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022


Voluntary Income - Unrestricted 231,227 279,025 852,562
Voluntary Income - Restricted 4,800 468,017 213,408
Other Income 18,287 37,912 6,276
  254,314 784,954 1,072,246
Income from Charitable Activities 211,471 54,102 123,805
Total Income 465,785 839,056 1,196,051


Costs of goods sold 12,567 9,024 10,975
Charitable expenses 52,159 2,977 17,784
Other operating & administration expenses 371,215 339,565 379,192
Finance cost^ 16,999 14,151 10,112
Total expenditure 452,940 365,717 418,063
Net income 12,845 473,339 777,988
Gross transfer from accumulated funds to building funds -8,064 -474,999 -216,543
Surplus / (Deficit) 4,781 -1,660 561,445


Statement of Financial Position

  FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022


Cash at hand and bank balances 2,877,188 3,377,284 4,147,901
Inventories 9,176 6,006 6,743
Other receivables 20,150 34,450 34,650
Property, plant and equipment^ 336,765 236,267 111,671
Total Assets 3,243,279 3,654,007 4,300,965

Reserves and Liabilities



Accumulated funds 1,076,832 1,075,172 1,636,617
Building funds 1,843,730 2,318,729 2,535,272
Total Reserves 2,920,562 3,393,901 4,171,889


Other Payables 16,357 6,703 9,962
Lease Liabilities^ 306,360 253,403 119,114
Total Liabilities 322,717 260,106 129,076
Total Reserves and Liabilities 3,243,279 3,654,007 4,300,965


^In FY2020, the Society recognised right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for those leases previously classified as operating leases, except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets.


Download Annual Reports

  1. DDS Annual Report 2022 (pdf, 1.5 Mb)
  2. DDS Annual Report 2021 (pdf, 1.6 Mb)
  3. DDS Annual Report 2020 (pdf, 1.5 Mb)
  4. DDS Annual Report 2019 (pdf, 7.9 Mb)
  5. DDS Annual Report 2018 (pdf, 4.5 Mb)