
禅坐共修通告 Notice

  • 从2023年7月起
    • 英语禅坐共修将停办
    • 每个月第四个星期三的禪坐共修将增设 Zoom 线上共修的选项
  • 从2023年8月起
    • 星期天禪坐共修时间调整为上午9:30至中午12时


  • With effect from July 2023
    • Monthly English meditation group practice will be discontinued
    • On the 4th Wednesday of each month, we will also be streaming the meditation group practice online via Zoom
  • With effect from August 2023
    • Timing for meditation group practice on Sundays will be extended: 9:30am to 12noon

For information on our meditation group practice activities, kindly visit:

法鼓山新加坡护法会 敬启

  • 用奉献代替争取,以惜福代替享福。

    Contribute rather than compete. Use what you have been given wisely, and don't squander your good fortune.

  • 谦下尊上,是菩萨行者的重要功课。

    Be humble to those below and respectful to those above. Bodhisattva practitioners, study this well!

  • 道理是拿来要求自己,不是用来苛求他人。

    Demand right-minded conduct of yourself, do not use it as an excuse to harshly criticize others.

  • 自爱爱人,爱一切众生;自救救人,救一切众生。

    Love yourself, love others, love all sentient beings; liberate yourself, liberate others, liberate all sentient beings.

  • 利他,是不求果报及回馈的清净心。

    Benefiting others takes a pure mind that seeks neither reward nor return.

  • 占有、奉献都是爱,但有自利和利 人的差别;占有是自我贪取的私爱, 奉献是无私喜舍的大爱。

    Love is involved in what you own and what you give to others, but the difference between helping yourself and helping others is that one is a self-directed, possessive love; the other is a selfless, joyous, generous love.

佛光注照 福慧自在

佛光注照 福慧自在


— 摘自《2003元宵燃灯供佛祈愿法会 圣严法师开示》

登记时间:即日起,线上点灯 – 光明灯

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